

You were more than just a pool and a black line, you were the friendships and memories I made along the way. You were more than just races, never-ending practices, and hours spent training outside of the pool. You were the trips to Miami, the swimmer table at the library, and team meals after a tough practice. You gave me the teammates I would travel Europe with, sisters that were always down to get milkshakes, and friends that are always there to pick me up after a hard day.

As I look back on my swimming career, I don’t just remember all of the best times and fun practices, but I remember the lessons I learned after countless disqualifications, missing a cut by 0.01 seconds, and tough practices. I am incredibly grateful for all of the opportunities you allowed me and the strength you instilled along the way.

Over the past four years, you have been my rock. You never let up even after a long day of classes or a hard week of exams. You consistently challenged me to work harder and smarter, and taught me that no matter how hard practice or a race was, it was an opportunity to learn. You taught me that achieving my goals would never be easy, but you gave me the resources to overcome those obstacles.

Thank you for giving me a family where I could be myself. A place I could learn and grow into the woman that I am today. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities you have given me throughout the years and the failures that helped me learn. Without you, I would not be who I am today. I will forever cherish our memories and the role you have played in my life.

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