

A simple thank you is not enough. 

When I think about ever ending my relationship with you, my first thought is “no, not possible.” As I read that sentence aloud, my eyes fill with tears. You have been one of the biggest parts of my life since I was four years old. You have shaped me into the woman that I am today. Every time I stepped onto that tennis court at college, I grew more as a person and more as myself. You are my escape from worries and stress, and my stage where I can truly be me, truly. You have been my opportunity for friendships, relationships, college and so, so much more. I have experienced all of the possible emotions on a tennis court, but the one emotion that will be eternal from playing college tennis is pure happiness.

I have learned that tennis is so much more than just something I do for fun. It pushes me to be the best person that I can be while looking out for those around me. It has taught me that the support of people around me can pull me through my lowest of lows and me, being one person, can also pull others from their lowest of lows. Through you I have learned how to be confident in myself to accomplish things, but also how to remain humble during the process. Playing tennis at the college level has brought me to where I am today. A person with a great husband, family, friends, coaches, and memories that will last me a lifetime.

When I think about my relationship with you, I know that is unique. You have given me the chance to be a light for others who need me, and to shine for God even when I couldn’t see it. The past four years have been some of the most difficult and challenging times I have been through, but they have also been life-changing, amazing, and something I wouldn’t give up for anything. You have taught me compassion, encouragement, and love with others can truly change lives for both parties.

So, no. Ending my relationship with you is not something I see in the future or something I could say is even possible. Again, I cannot thank my sport enough for molding me into the woman I am today. Although my college tennis experience is over, my question for you, tennis, is where do we go next?

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