

I can’t believe we’ve known each other for ten years now. I remember hitting the track for the first time in seventh grade. I remember using track in my early years of high school just to stay in shape for cheerleading. That still gives me a good laugh! Little did I know, you would be an important part of my journey to Claflin University and change my life for the better.

As a college graduate now, there are so many memories we share. Victories turned into confidence and losses turned into lessons. Together we have literally endured blood, sweat, and tears, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Being a collegiate track and field athlete was no simple task. I always brag about you being one the most challenging sports!

Every time the gun sounded, it was just you and me...no teammates to pass a ball to, no coach to call a timeout, just up to me to race against the clock. This developed within me a mental toughness that only the track and field can demand. You taught me that once I conquer my mind, my actions will follow.

Hurdlers always joke that you are not a “real hurdler” unless you’ve fallen before. Well track and field...I guess these scars on my legs are my proof! But just like life, sometimes you have to fall to reach your final destination. There were countless practices that made me question my love for you, but thank you for showing me why that tough love was so important. Those were the days that produced a conference champion and a school record holder.

Because of NCAA track and field, my former teammates are now my lifelong friends. Thanks to my coaches who always believed in me and saw my potential, I unlocked talent that I didn’t even know I possessed. Thank you for teaching me the valuable lesson that success is a direct result of the work that I put in. Thank you for teaching me that failure increases the value of winning. Thank you for being my peace and my safe space after a long day. Thank you for creating some of my favorite collegiate memories.

Track and field, I miss our time together, but you will forever and always have my heart. If life is like a track meet, the gun has just sounded, and I am ready to start my next race.

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